So here I am my little readers.. if you're out there.. hopefully a few of you are out there..
I've been busy with finding jobs that don't want to hire me, so in one word, I've been pretty much miserable.
I know that's five words but hey, I'm a heavy tipper.
Other then my miserable job hunt, I've been keeping myself busy with various projects. Including photography, collages, choreography, mastering the art of pirouettes, reading, and avoiding writing.
However, I recently watched a really cute and feel-good movie, that since the initial viewing I have been utterly addicted and watching it constantly.
The movie: Julie and Julia
Now, this movie has nothing to do with Zombies, but I couldn't resist writing about the amount of charm and captivity it has.
Julie Powell is a typical twenty something year old who recently made the move with her husband from Brooklyn to an apartment above a pizzeria in Queens. She works in a governmental call center that directly deals with the aftermath of 9/11. Her routine work day consists of getting dozens of angry and heartbreaking phone calls from surviving victims of the tragedy. Previously to working at the call center, she was a writer and actually wrote half a novel before giving up. You could say she lost her way with every facet of her career. Her way of coping with work and her general lack of joy, is through cooking. Julie is at her wits end one day with her friends successes with writing, when her husband suggests to write a blog. She eventually decides to write about the one thing that takes her away from her job, her failures, and her disappointments, a blog about making her way through Julia Child's cookbook.
This movie isn't all about Julie, the focus starts with Julia Child's life starting from the moment she arrived in Paris. (Her life in Paris prompted her career in cooking and eventually her book.) Meryl Streep as Julia Child is perfection at its best. Her acting is superb and her characterization, spot on. I never realized how funny Meryl Streep is! After watching movies like "Doubt" I knew that she was a brilliant actor but never knew that she was actually amazingly hilarious. Hence, she is my favorite actress as of now.
The movie is cute and funny, and I highly recommend it, especially if your a foodie like me.
After watching it for a fourth time yesterday, for some unknown reason, I was struck to google Julie and Julia. What pops up?
Take a wild guess. I can guarantee you won't guess it correctly. Go ahead, wait a few seconds and think.
Are you sure?
The author, Julie Powell, whose book got turned into the movie I am religiously following as of late, was doing a book signing 15 minutes away from my house.
It gets better.
I missed the book signing by 1 hour.
SO, if I hadn't been watching her movie, I would have FREAKING KNOWN ABOUT IT!!!
After the epic failure of all aspects of my life, I started drinking with my mom and listening to 50's music until i twisted so hard that I got callous on my feet.
All I can say is that, this post is Le Miserable' for a god damn reason.
Here's the link to prove im not lying:
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