Sunday, June 27, 2010


This blog is literally, "The Life and Times" of someone who constantly refers almost everything back to Zombies, both metaphysical and not. Physical Zombies and philosophical Zombies pose a very interesting question and a huge onslaught of theories, ideas and themes. It was my aim since in starting this blog to eventually tackle all this. However, I have since given up such a huge topic matter until the mood strikes me. I find analyzing the events in my life and occasionally (most of the time) referring back to Zombies in a simplistic manner, much more accessible to the general public and easier to read. It's never my intent to confuse my audience, and I constantly find myself doing it. It's one of my largest problems; I have too many ideas in one sentence, for example, to actually write out one clear and brief thought.

I use this blog, to voice all my thoughts and ideas. It is not limited to Zombies as I had originally planned. My next post, is on makeup for example. (But I will end up referring to Zombies in that post..)

"The Life and Times of Half Formed Zombie" refers to my life, and the times that I have had with a brain that only dishes out half formed thoughts. I'm a Zombie because of this. Zombies lack thought and consciousness. I lack the ability to voice my thoughts correctly. Im a half formed Zombie.

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